「Earthquake Competition!」

 SP校Study Visitの5日目,7月29日(木)は10:00からTao先生のご指導のもとEarthquake Competitionに取組みました。Earthquake Competitionとは,Earthquake(地震)に強いビルディング(ビル)を作るCompetition(競技会)のことで,規定のルールに従って,学生自身がチームを組んでビルの模型を設計・作成し,その耐震強度を実験により測定し,その中で最も耐震強度の高い模型を作成したチームを表彰するものです。学生らは3または4名のチーム(計4チーム)を作り,それぞれのチーム内でアイディアを出し合って地震に強いビルを設計し,慣れない作業に戸惑いながらも材料と道具を駆使してそれぞれ独自のビルを作成しました。作成された各チームのビルは,重量を測定したり,各種のレギュレーションの審査を通過した後,振動台の上に設置され,ビルの各フロアーに重りを載せた状態で徐々に大きなエネルギーで振動させました。最後まで壊れずに残ったのは,チーム3(喜久山,坂本,熊本)でしたが,重量やレギュレーション違反のペナルティなどを総合して評価した結果,チーム4(小倉,芝,高野,藤堂)が優勝となりました。
 On July 29 (the fifth day), students worked on Earthquake Competition under the guidance of Mr. Tao. Earthquake Competition was a competition that students built a strong building in a earthquake.  Students themselves made groups, designed and made models of buildings according to a regulated rule.  The team which made the strongest model that the earthquake-resistant strength was measured by an experiment was commended.  3 or 4 students made 4 groups, thought up ideas and designed a building strong against an earthquake in each team.  They made their own buildings with materials and tools while being confused at unfamiliar work. After they were weighed and passed the examination, buildings made by each team were set on the vibration table and shaken by big energy gradually in a condition of weighed on each floor of the buildings.  The building that remained to the last without breaking was Team 3 (Kikuyama, Sakamoto and Kumamoto), but it was against the rule of weight or regulation.  So Team 4 (Ogura, Shiba, Takano and Todo) was the winner in the end.
 夕方からは,HendersonにあるHenderson Waves
Henderson Wavesは,Mount Faber ParkとTelok Blangah Hill Parkを結ぶ,シンガポールで最も高い(地上36m)歩道橋で,その肋骨のような構造が波のように見える優れたデザインの橋です。ジョギングや散歩をしている人も多く,学生はおもいおもいに歩いたり,休憩したり,景色

We went to Henderson Waves in the evening.



Henderson Waves is the highest pedestrian bridge by 36m high in Singapore.  It’s a good designed bridge of distinctive wave-like structure like “ribs”.  There are many people jogging or going for a walk.  Students had a good time there, some walked about, others had rest, or enjoyed the scenery.

Mr. Tao explained the aim and rules of the competition

They designed the building in the team.

They processed materials and made models.

Models were examined.

Models were set on the vibration table!  
How was the result …!?

夕暮れにHenderson Waves
We went to Henderson Waves in the evening.

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