
Joint training with Singapore Polytechnic (Vol. 2)

 都市システム工学科の学生15名がシンガポールに渡って2日目,7月26日(月)からいよいよSP校におけるStudyがはじまりました。朝は各自でSP校内にあるファーストフード店などで食事をとり,9:00にStudent Service Center前に集合し,途中Libraryに立ち寄りながら,今回のStudy Visitの受け入れ先であるSP校Division of Civil Engineering(土木工学部)School of Architecture & the Built Environment(ABE,建築・建設環境工学科)に向かいました。
 Now we started studying at SP school on July 26 (the second day).  In the morning, each of us had breakfast at the fast food shop on campus, met in front of the Student Center, called on the library, and went to the Division of Civil Engineering, School of Architecture & the Built Environment (A.B.E).
 ABEでは,はじめにLee先生からABEの学科紹介とOng先生からStudy Visitのスケジュール紹介がなされ,その後ABEの施設見学をしました。
 昼食をはさんで13:00からはABEのEnvironmental Engrg Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engrg Labs(環境工学・水理学・地盤工学研究室)にて,SP校の学生と水環境に関する共同実習を行いました。実習のテーマは3つ,水質分析,水理学,水処理に関する実験であり,本校の学生が3つのグループに分かれ,それぞれのグループがSP校の学生と一緒に,3つの実験(この日は3つのうち2つ)を順番に行いました。実習内容は,本校の2,3年生(2C,3C)では難しい内容ですが,4年生(4C)にとっては既に学習済みの内容であったので理解は容易だったようです。また,SP校の学生との専門用語を含めた英語によるやり取りには四苦八苦している様子でしたが,お互いに熱心なコミュニケーションを図りながら実験を成功させることができました。

At A.B.E. Ms. Lee introduced Departments of A.B.E. and Mr. Ong introduced schedules of Study Visit to us.  After that we took a guided tour of A.B.E. After lunch, we had joint training about water environment with SP students at Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics & Geotechnical Engineering Labs of A.B.E.  There were three themes of training, experiment about water analysis ,hydraulics and sewerage disposal.  Students divided into 3 groups, and each group did 3 experiments in turn (on the day we did two of them) with SP students.  The contents of training were a little difficult for a second grader and third graders, but fourth graders had already studied it, so they seemed easy to understand.  Though they had troubles in communicating with SP students in English including technical terms, they could succeed in experiments  through eager communication.

 17:00に実習を終えた後,SP校の学生と校内にあるゲーム場で僅かな時間ですがビデオゲームやビリヤードを楽しみました。実習や束の間のゲームで意気投合した学生達は,SP校の学生の提案でシンガポールの中心部のHarbourfrontにあるVIVO Cityで夕食をとりました。帰路のバスの車内ではすっかり打ち解けた両校の学生達の笑い声が響いてました.....
 They enjoyed video games or billiards with SP students at a penny arcade on campus after training.  They took dinner together at VIVO City which were in Harbourfront, the middle of Singapore, because they were kindred spirits through training or games.  On their way home, there was a lot of laughter in the bus.

breakfast at McDonald


an introduction of A.B.E.
by Ms. Lee


a scene at lunch time
(with Mr. Lim

実験の説明(真剣です)explanation of experiments
(look serious)


collecting sample water for experiments

water analysis

experiment about hydraulics

experiment about sewerage disposal

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